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Are you looking for an original way to hang your different clothes and store them easily? Are you fed up with coat racks that all look the same and are cruelly lacking in character and solidity?
Do you run a clothes shop and want to show off your best pieces? Would you like an industrial-style wall rack that will blend in perfectly with your shop's decor?
Our wall rack is made for you! Manufactured in our workshop in Annecy, France, it will meet your storage needs by adding the industrial character of plumbing fittings and pipes.
Our rack is made from plumbing parts, so they have flaws and imperfections that reinforce the authentic industrial feel of the piece and avoid looking like new. The parts are only varnished to maintain the authentic look.
Our wall bracket is designed in our workshop from robust cast iron and steel parts to achieve an industrial, modern and solid look. So you'll have no problem placing it in your bedroom, dressing room or hallway.
For a shop, our industrial wall rack will allow you to optimise space thanks to our many sizes and available extensions.
Didn't find the perfect size? No problem, we can offer you more sizes! Contact us with your desired size
Modular and upgradeable, this rack will be able to accompany you for many years.
Achat de plusieurs raccords pour créer un porte rouleau de papier. Le résultat est parfait. Merci
Super rendu, envoie rapide, très bonne qualité, je recommande.
Tout d'abord je tenais à remercier Pierre pour sa gentillesse et sa patience. J'ai un peu paniqué lorsque j'ai reçu les colis et en pensant que certaines pièces n'étaient pas à la bonne mesure. Il n'en est rien. Il suffisait de suivre les conseils professionnel de Pierre. Et voilà le résultat avec la photo en pièce jointe. Merci encore.
Très bon produit. Le rendu correspond à nos attentes. Livraisons rapide.
Les produits Home invasion s’accommodent facilement avec des pièces anciennes (ici ancien manomètre). Cela permet de renforcer un peu plus le caractère industriel de l'objet.
Il faut juste laisser travailler son imagination!